Spiritual Formation Program:

Do You Seek a Deeper Spiritual Experience?

Our Offerings to You:

The Spiritual Formation Collaborative of the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting currently offers three ways for you to deepen your Spiritual Walk:

We have some other ideas in the works too! The Spiritual Formation Collaborative consists of 12 members from 8 meetings across PYM. We work in groups to offer our programs.

Please CLICK HERE for a brochure with more information!

Annual Spiritual Formation Retreat: April 19-21, 2024

SAVE THE DATE! Annual Spiritual Formation Retreat, April 19-21, 2024

Listening One Another Into Wholeness:

Nurture your spirit with a weekend retreat designed to help you feel more grounded and interconnected through listening deeply to self, others and to nature. A special guest speaker: Valerie Brown who specializes in the application and integration of mindfulness in daily life.

We will meet at Pendle Hill in Wallingford, Pennsylvania, a beautiful Quaker Retreat Center on 24 acres. Enjoy comfortable accommodations and delicious homemade meals, made with local organic ingredients. We will have the opportunity for loving conversations and activities with fellow travelers on the Spiritual Journey.

Sponsored by Worship and Ministry Committee in collaboration with Philadelphia Yearly Meeting

Third Haven Friends Monthly Meeting is a member of Southern Quarterly Meeting of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends General Conference of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers).

Meetings for Worship: Sundays 10:00AM, Wednesdays 5:30PM

Childrens' program: 1st and 3rd Sundays 10:00AM

Meetings for Worship with Attention to Business: 2nd Sunday of the Month following Meeting for Worship (except for the months of July and August)

Contact: 405 S. Washington St., Easton, MD 21601; (410) 822-0293; 3rdhaven@gmail.com; Find Us on Facebook


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Last Updated: November 27th, 2024; Website design and maintenance by Line by Line web design