Meeting Reports:
- Minutes:
- Minutes from June's Meeting for Business
- Clerk, State of the Meeting: "Third Haven Friends Meeting continues as a meaningful Quaker faith community to its members and attenders. We are concerned about succession in key roles as clerks and committee members, with aging members and departures. We are making progress on our funding and construction of Phase 1 projects."
- Minute Re: Israel-Hamas War in Palestine: "As Quakers we believe in the sacred worth of each person and our historic Peace Testimony prompts us to stand against violence in all its forms. We grieve for the loss of each life, and with those in Israel and Palestine who are losing loved ones. We pray with those waiting for the return of loved ones and those living under siege and bombardment."
- FY 24-25 Budget
- Communications: "The communications committee is a task-oriented group. Our goal is to spread information among the Third Haven community and the geographical community."
- Facilities Use: "Third Haven Friends Meeting continues to provide a quiet, reflective space for the Meeting’s activities, Members’ outside activities as well as the meetings of non-members."
- First Day School: "In reading back my notes of our First Day School program for the year, I am amazed at all the different ideas, Quaker testimonies and projects the kids were exposed to."
- Pastoral Care: "The Pastoral Care Committee continued to meet monthly for the purpose of sharing news of members and attenders, with a focus on those in need of Spiritual support in the manner of Friends and identifying new attenders who might be considering becoming members."
- Property & Grounds: "The property and grounds committee provides hands-on care and oversite of our campus. We work to maintain our buildings in good repair; plain, pleasing, and unpretentious; with quality materials (e.g. the brick meetinghouse doors); and safe."
- Scholarship: "This year we decided to take a more personal approach and committee members each had one student to write to with the appropriate check included."
- Treasurer: "Looking closely at our budget to actual performance in FY 2024, I am disappointed that we didn’t do a better job of forecasting our expenses and that we fell short of our projected income. The income shortfall was equally distributed between members and attenders, but was ameliorated by a very large increase in revenue from Use of Facilities."
- Testimonies & Concerns: "We enjoy the opportunity to connect members with projects in our community and encourage everyone to consider an area of work where they might donate some time as Friends."
- Trustees: "In 2024, the Trustees will also be involved with the Brick Meeting House accessibility work which is currently out for bids by the Planning Committee of the Monthly Meeting. Gifts are needed to fund these two critical capital projects."
- Worship & Ministry: "We have continued to hold hybrid meetings since the pandemic. Vocal ministry is variable as Friends wait to be moved by the Spirit."
- Minutes from June Meeting for Business
- Clerk, State of the Meeting: "Third Haven Friends Meeting continues as a vital and meaningful Quaker faith community. Due to the deaths and departures of Friends our membership has declined. We are concerned about succession in key roles as clerks and committee members.
- Communications: "The Communications Committee, under the management of John Hawkinson, clerk coordinator, keeps Third Haven Monthly Meeting members and attenders apprised of past and future events of interest from the Meeting, Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, and the local community."
- First Day School: "The First Day School met twice per month this school year starting in Sept 2022 and finishing June 2023. We have 14 families associated with our Meeting and attendance has been regular throughout the year. We continued with the one room classroom until Spring when we began holding 2 classes, 1) ages 5-10 and 2) middle school age."
- Hospitality: "This annual report proposed improvements for hospitality. The current sign-up system isn’t working. Proposed were options for improvement and resultant discussion."
- Membership Recorder: "Currently the Membership of Third Haven is 122 adult members. This includes 17 Friends who grew up as members (children of members who were active in the Meeting—the children through First Day School)."
- Outreach: "By the end of January 2024, the committee membership had grown, and a new co-chair was appointed. The committee now consists of Nancy Robbins, co-chair, and Joan Wetmore, temporary co-chair. Members are Lorraine Claggett, Jonathan Williams, and Lisa Kluepfel."
- Report of Meeting with Paramount Chief Norris Howard Sr. and other representatives from the Pocomoke Indian Nation: "As a part of our planning process, we at Third Haven reached out to representatives of Native American tribes in Maryland asking for their assistance in discerning a path forward in exploring the history of the Native peoples of this region and how our Quaker history intersects with those stories. This is in an effort for us to develop a fuller understanding of our own history and the history of other people who have occupied the lands where we currently live, work and worship."
- Pastoral Care: "During 2023 the committee was represented by the following members: Dona Sorce (Clerk), Lorraine Claggett, Marsie Hawkinson, Katherine Johnson, Dee Rein, John Schreiner, Bill Schauer, Susan Claggett, Terry Thomas-Primer."
- Property & Grounds: "Committee members: Winslow Womack, Bill Lane, Robert Gladney, Nancy Robbins, Matt Moore, Drew Gundlach, Dan Sweeney, Priscilla Bond Sener, Clay Owens, Ben Tilghman, and Larny Claggett, clerk. Activities from 10/22 to 10/23..."
- Scholarship: "The Scholarship Committee is dedicated to encouraging its young members in their pursuit of a good education—something which Quakers have long promoted."
- Spiritual State of the Meeting: "The meeting for worship continues to be rich and meaningful at Third Haven. During the pandemic attendance at the hybrid worship, in-person and on Zoom, dropped. There was often less vocal ministry."
- Southern Quarter, June: "Southern Quarter gathered at the invitation of Chester River Meeting, at Friendship Hall, located at 2599 Lambs Meadow Road, Worton, Md, on 18 June 2023, the home of Mike Pugh and John Schratwieser."
- Testimonies & Concerns: "Testimonies and Concerns (T&C) Committee maintains interest in several key projects to provide community involvement options for Third Haven members."
- Trustees: "Quoting from Adrienne’s 2022 report to Meeting for Business: 'I urge all members and attenders to support the preservation work of the Trustees of Third Haven Monthly Meeting by making an outright gift or by designating a legacy gift in their estate plans.'"
- Worship & Ministry: "Worship and Ministry provides greeters for Meeting for Worship, evaluates the experience of that worship and coordinates adult religious education. Suggestions for this work are welcome."
- June Meeting for Business Minutes: "Clerk Tom Corl opened the meeting with a period of silent worship at 11:30 a.m. Attending: (hybrid) 29"
- Spiritual State of the Meeting: "Finally, we believe that the character and meaningfulness of our meeting for worship is the key to the vitality of the life of the Meeting."
- Budget & Finance:
- FY 2022-2023 Budget
- Income & Expenses Budget vs. Actual Year-to-Date, 12/19/22
- Income & Expenses Budget vs. Actual Year-to-Date, 6/19/22
- Budget Report, 5/10/22
- Balance Sheet, 3/31/22
- Income & Expenses Budget vs. Actual Year-to-Date, 3/31/22
- Income & Expenses Budget, Prior Year Comparison, 3/13/22
- Income & Expenses Budget vs. Actual Year-to-Date, 2/09/22
- Income & Expenses Budget, Prior Year Comparison, 2/09/22
- First Day School: "Our FDS currently consists of 8 committed families—accounting for 15 children that regularly attend."
- Hospitality: "The Hospitality Committee provides an opportunity for Friends to demonstrate their love and caring for one another through the sharing of food and fellowship following Meeting for Worship and on other occasions."
- Outreach: "The Outreach Committee focused in part on Outreach quite literally. The Committee has updated and monitored publication of meeting times and locations in the local press."
- Land Use Planning: "The Land Use Planning Subcommittee is charged with planning improvements to the grounds of Third Haven Monthly Meeting (THMM.)"
- Pastoral Care: "During 2022 the committee was represented by the following members: Adrienne Rudge (Clerk), Dona Sorce, Lorraine Claggett, Marsie Hawkinson, Katherine Johnson, Dee Rein, John Schreiner, and Bill Schauer."
- Property & Grounds: "This year some of the special efforts have been to maintain and expand the native plants along our eastern and northern property lines, repair and paint the entry area of the brick meetinghouse, paint (partially) Annie's cottage, improve grading and drainage around the old meetinghouse, and work with the consultants and contractors on window repairs, ventilation, and siding repairs to the old meetinghouse."
- Recorder: "Membership at Third Haven Friends Meeting currently stands at 119. In this past year we have gained two new members&Mdash;Kristine Herold and Terry-Thomas Primer. We have also lost three members to death."
- Scholarship: "For the past many years Third Haven has held Scholarship funds to encourage the further education of our members. This fund and committee were started and encouraged by Mark Beck and others. Over the years funds were specifically invested at Friends Fiduciary Association for this purpose by a number of people."
- Trustees: "Funding for the Trustee accounts has come from donations, legacy gifts and from the growth of investments. Traditionally the Trustees support capital projects, large and small. In the 1980's, the construction of the Common Room was partially financed by the Trustees, and in the 1990's a major restoration of the Old Meeting House was supported by nearly $450,000 of Trustee funds.
- Worship & Ministry: "Worship and Ministry provides greeters for meeting for worship, discusses our experience of that worship and coordinates adult religious education."
- State of the Meeting: "In 2021, we continued our hybrid (in-person and Zoom) services for worshiping together, meeting in committees and gathering for memorial services. We will continue to provide virtual options for the foreseeable future. In caring for the safety and comfort of each other, we follow local Covid guidelines for our social distancing and masking recommendations. Hoping to accommodate as many Friends as possible, we continue to discuss and improve our technology, accessibility, and safety measures."
- Budget & Finance:
- Approved Budget FY 2021-2022
- Balance Sheet, 12/31/21
- Balance Sheet, 9/30/21
- Income & Expenses Budget vs. Actual Year-to-Date, 9/30/21
- Balance Sheet, 6/30/21
- Income & Expenses Budget vs. Actual Year-to-Date, 6/30/21
- Income & Expenses Budget, Prior Year Comparison, 6/30/21
- Balance Sheet, 3/31/21
- Income & Expenses Budget vs. Actual Year-to-Date, 3/31/21
- Income & Expenses Budget, Prior Year Comparison, 3/31/21
- Facilities Use: "Due to the COVID pandemic, Third Haven Meetings for Worship, for Business, FDS, and other meetings were held via Zoom until May when meetings were held in-person, or hybrid format. Third Haven was innovative in developing its own style of “hybrid” meetings for Worship, viz., combining an in-person with an on-line meeting all per state guidelines.
- First Day School: "The past year threw First Day School quite the curveball! To keep us safe during the pandemic, First Day School has been virtual since March 2020."
- Hospitality: "We encourage Friends to continue to demonstrate our caring for one another by bringing food to share on first days, and assisting with set up and clean up on those days."
- Membership Recorder: "TOTAL MEMBERS: Resident—83; Non-Resident—53; total—136"
- Pastoral Care: "The Pastoral Care Committee of Third Haven works to provide and maintain a caring meeting community. During 2021 the committee was represented by the following members: Dona Sorce (clerk), Adrienne Rudge (co-clerk), Lorraine Claggett, Connie Crow, Marsie Hawkinson, Katherine Johnson, Dee Rein, John Schreiner, and Bill Schauer.
- Property & Grounds: "In the fiscal year ended Sixth month, 2021, the committee completed several long-term projects."
- Testimonies & Concerns: "A highlight in 2021 was the dedication of the Peace Pole on June 20, in Memory of Ralph Young. The event was hosted by T&C but, it was a Meeting wide project..."
- Trustees: "In 2021, the Trustees are excited to be embarking on a major restoration project in the Old Meeting House. Thanks to Bill Lane, we have found exceptionally well-qualified artisans to do extensive repair work on each of the 14 windows, to stabilize the plaster in the attic, and to repair and paint the siding."
- Worship & Winistry: "The worship and ministry committee is charged with many responsibilities. First being a container for the care of our meeting for worship."
- State of the Meeting: "In a year like no other, Third Haven Friends Meeting quickly embraced the new reality of the COVID pandemic and its consequences. With the help of computer communications technology, Friends dedicated themselves to the task of finding new and innovative ways to stay connected."
- June 2020 Meeting for Business Minutes
- July 2020 Meeting for Business Minutes
- Budget & Finance:
- Approved Budget FY 2020-2021
- Balance Sheet, 12/31/20
- Income & Expenses Budget vs. Actual Year-to-Date, 12/31/20
- Income & Expenses Budget, Prior Year Comparison, 12/31/20
- Balance Sheet, 9/30/20
- Income & Expenses Budget vs. Actual Year-to-Date, 9/30/20
- Income & Expenses Budget, Prior Year Comparison, 9/30/20
- Balance Sheet, 6/30/20
- Income & Expenses Budget vs. Actual Year-to-Date, 6/30/20
- Income & Expenses Budget, Prior Year Comparison, 6/30/20
- Balance Sheet, 5/31/20
- Income & Expenses Budget vs. Actual Year-to-Date, 5/31/20
- Income & Expenses Budget, Prior Year Comparison, 5/31/20
- Balance Sheet, 3/31/20
- Income & Expenses Budget vs. Actual Year-to-Date, 3/31/20
- Income & Expenses Budget, Prior Year Comparison, 3/31/20
- All Clerks' Meeting Summary, January 2020
- Communications: "The primary work of our group is to provide weekly announcements and a monthly newsletter and keep the directories and website current."
- Facilities Use:
- Annual Report: "Due to the COVID pandemic, Third Haven Meetings for Worship, Meetings for Business, FDS, and other meetings came to a standstill."
- Facilities Use Committee Zoom Meeting Scheduling: This document was prepared by Third Haven Friends Meeting Facilities Use Committee is attached here to guide us through the process of setting up and running our meetings.
- First Day School: "In summary, First Day School successfully attracted about 5-12 kids weekly, Little SPICES was at capacity with 14 children, and each summer camp (June and July) was enjoyed by 12 kids. First Day School Clerks wish to thank the Meeting for the abundance of love, support, time and guidance. So many young lives have been touched because of you."
- Membership Recorder: "As I went through the book of members, amid the distraction of sorting out the children who are now counted as adults, I was struck by the number of members who are in the age range of 80 and above—22.
- Pastoral Care: "The arrival of COVID19 and subsequent restrictions on meeting in person made the work of the committee both more challenging and more essential this year. Although we had to cancel our usual events, we stayed in touch with members and attenders by phone, mail and email more regularly than usual, and some members of the committee scheduled socially distanced visits with those who were housebound."
- Planning: "The newly formed Planning Committee evolved from an ad hoc committee which was chartered with devising a strategy to execute the findings of our strategic planning session held in 2019. The committee was officially established by Meeting in early 2020."
- Property & Grounds: "Property and Grounds' budget generally comprises half of the Third Haven's annual budget. This includes the caretakers salary, general operating costs such as utilities, internet and cleaning. Also included in the budget are costs of minor repairs to the property and equipment. Property and Grounds ended the fiscal year 2019-2020 about $1400 over budget. This was due to the unexpected cost to deep clean both the Common Room and the Brick Meeting House."
- Scholarship: "This year has been full of challenges for all, but most of our students have chosen to continue their education in whatever way they can."
- Testimonies & Concerns:
- Annual Report: "The work of the committee has been impacted by the isolation of the COVID Pandemic and on our day-to-day activism. We have all found it frustrating to be cutoff from our usual volunteer work and social outreach."
- Minutes for Testimonies and Concerns Meeting, 9/06/20
- Talbot Interfaith Shelter Letter of Support: "We at Third Haven Friends Meeting believe in the inherent dignity and worth of every person. That includes having a safe and secure place to call home, and an opportunity to build a better life. We are supporters of the Talbot Interfaith Shelter who have been providing Talbot County residents with such support since 2008. Their 'S4' program provides the shelter, stability and support needed for enrolled individuals to experience success in moving away from homelessness."
- Worship & Ministry: "During 2020, as THFM sought to continue to meet for worship with an emphasis on maintaining community, the WMC's emphasis has been on good communication with persons filling emerging roles, restarting interrupted religious education activities, and maintaining a focus on the quality of meeting for worship as the formats and methods of meeting have changed."
- Budget & Finance:
- Approved Budget FY 2019-2020
- Balance Sheet, 3/31/20
- Income & Expenses Budget vs. Actual Year-to-Date, 3/31/20
- Income & Expenses Budget, Prior Year Comparison, 3/31/20
- Balance Sheet, 12/31/19
- Income & Expenses Budget vs. Actual Year-to-Date, 12/31/19
- Income & Expenses Budget, Prior Year Comparison, 12/31/19
- Balance Sheet, 9/30/19
- Income & Expenses Budget vs. Actual Year-to-Date, 9/30/19
- Income & Expenses Budget, Prior Year Comparison, 9/30/19
- Balance Sheet, 6/30/19
- Income & Expenses Budget vs. Actual Year-to-Date, 6/30/19
- Income & Expenses Budget, Prior Year Comparison, 6/30/19
- Balance Sheet, 5/31/19
- Income & Expenses Budget vs. Actual Year-to-Date, 5/31/19
- Income & Expenses Budget, Prior Year Comparison, 5/31/19
- Communications: "The primary work of our group is to provide weekly announcements and a monthly newsletter and keep the directories and website current."
- Facilities Use: "Third Haven Friends Meeting continues to provide a quiet, reflective space for the Meeting's activities and Members' outside activities as well as the meetings of non-members."
- First Day School: "We began this year of First Day School carrying forward the hope that if we built a children's program that the families would come. With experimentation we have had a beautiful response."
- Hospitality: "All members and attenders are encouraged to assist with weekly Hospitality by coming early to make coffee and set out food, to provide food, and stay after the Rise of Meeting to greet newcomers as well as help clean up. Providing hospitality is a gift and mostly a way to get to know each other and strengthen our community."
- Outreach: "Effective outreach is the meeting members letting people in the community know who and what we are. Speaking that truth is what the world needs."
- Pastoral Care: "The purpose of the Pastoral Care Committee of Third Haven is to provide and maintain a caring meeting community."
- Property & Grounds: "In fiscal year 2018-2019 Property and Grounds ended the year with a bit of a surplus. As is the case this year, this most often is the result of limited snowfall, no hurricanes, no profound mechanical failures and so on. While it is tempting to take credit for the budget surplus, P&G in a bit more pragmatic. In fiscal year 2019-2020 we have several projects to complete, all fairly major, and funding will be a bit more restrictive."
- Scholarship: "For this Fall semester we have increased grants to $800 for those attending Quaker Schools and $400 for non-Quaker schools. For the Spring we hope to increase grants again. Our policy remains that those attending Quaker schools receive double the grant as those in non-Quaker schools."
- State of the Meeting: "Third Haven Monthly Meeting (THMM), located in Easton, MD, continues to be an active and engaged Quaker spiritual community. We have bi-weekly meetings for worship on Sundays at 10AM and Wednesday at 5:30PM. There is an active children's program on Sunday and other offerings through the week. Currently there are 165 members."
- Testimonies & Concerns: "Testimonies and Concerns is responsible for assisting meeting members in focusing attention on a wide variety of issues that impact our work, as Quakers, in the world."
- Trustees: "The Trustees are the owners of the buildings and property, and manage the assets that have been acquired over more than half a century, mainly through legacy and other gifts."
- Worship & Ministry: "Meeting members may not be aware that the quality of our meeting for worship is regularly discussed and prayerfully contemplated each month by this Committee of Friends. The goal of the activities and programs undertaken by the Committee is to enrich the spiritual lives and experiences of THFM members and attenders."
- Annual Report: "We are truly blessed having a community full of love, passion and joy. The foundations of our history and our hope for the future are helping us grow in spirit to embrace "that of God" in all."
- Called Meeting, 4/15/18, Brick Meeting House Safe Egress/Fire Escape: "The sense of the Meeting is a desire to continue to use the second floor space as well as do the right thing by making it safe and accessible to all. Those present indicated unity."
- Budget & Finance:
- Approved Budget FY 2018-2019
- Balance Sheet, 3/31/19
- Income & Expenses Budget vs. Actual Year-to-Date, 3/31/19
- Income & Expenses Budget, Prior Year Comparison, 3/31/19
- Balance Sheet, 9/30/18
- Income & Expenses Budget vs. Actual Year-to-Date, 9/30/18
- Income & Expenses Budget, Prior Year Comparison, 9/30/18
- Balance Sheet, 6/30/18
- Income & Expenses Budget vs. Actual Year-to-Date, 6/30/18
- Income & Expenses Budget, Prior Year Comparison, 6/30/18
- Balance Sheet, 5/31/18
- Income & Expenses Budget vs. Actual Year-to-Date, 5/31/18
- Income & Expenses Budget, Prior Year Comparison, 5/31/18
- Balance Sheet, 3/31/18
- Income & Expenses Budget vs. Actual Year-to-Date, 3/31/18
- Income & Expenses Budget, Prior Year Comparison, 3/31/18
- Communications: "We always welcome new material for weekly announcements (Monday) and the monthly newsletter (published early each month to provide minutes prior to Meeting for Business)."
- Facilities Use: "Third Haven Friends Meeting continues to provide a quiet, reflective space for the Meeting's activities, Members' outside activities as well as the meetings of non-members."
- First Day School: "For this year we have followed the axiom: if you build it, they will come. Thus, ready every Sunday has been a teacher with a lesson plan. Attendance this spring has been limited, ranging from a number of Sundays that had no children in attendance, to many that had 2 to 3 children."
- Hospitality: "Providing hospitality is a gift and mostly a way to get to know each other and strengthen our community."
- Letter to Selective Service, 8/30/2018: "We understand the National Commission on Military, National and Public Service has received a mandate to consider contintuation of Selective Service registration and that a period for public comment is open through September 2018."
- Outreach: "Effective outreach involves so much more than publicity or public events; it also involves the willingness of individuals to identify themselves as Friends and to give voice to their faith and practice."
- Pastoral Care: "The primary focus of monthly committee meetings was the sharing of concerns for individual members and discussion regarding how the committee might reach out to offer support and expressions of care."
- Property & Grounds: "Property and Grounds completed fiscal year 2017-18 $2,000 under budget, having been fortunate that there were no major building repairs or need of mechanical work to the furnace or heat pumps."
- Recorder: "Current adult membership: 164; Children under the age of 21: 15.
- Scholarship: "Friends have a long history of promoting education of its members and indeed some of its schools date back to the late 17th century. The intention of this committee is to show the Meeting's support for its young members by encouraging their continued education, particularly in Friends' schools when possible."
- Testimonies & Concerns: "Recommendations include the following: plan and carry out service projects; recommend actions to individuals; encourage work for social change through established Quaker organizations; support a member to bring a concern to monthly, quarterly or yearly meeting; contribute services of financial support for individuals to work as "released friends"; initiate consciousness raising and skill building activities that reflect our testimonies."
- Trustees: "Kenneth Carroll had served both the Meeting and the Trustees with his inspired leadership for decades. We are grateful for his long service and sorry to lose his counsel. However, we recognized his request to resign and asked the Nominating Committee to propose three candidates for the vacancy. I am delighted to announce that Bill Lane has joined the Trustees of Third Haven Monthly Meeting."
- Worship & Ministry: "Looking ahead, WMC anticipates that upcoming religious education will focus onFaith and Practice, Quaker processes, and Spiritual development and discernment. Finally, the WMC appreciates the opportunity to meet, to work, and to grow in our own spiritual journey as a part of our service to the Meeting."
- Annual Report: "Third Haven Monthly Meeting continues as a vibrant community. This year we added three new members, lost three well-loved members, and received two membership transfers, bringing THMM total membership to 162. Meetings for worship offer strong spiritual nurture, and weekly attendance is stable."
- Budget & Finance:
- Approved Budget FY 2017-2018
- Balance Sheet, 12/31/17
- Income & Expenses Budget vs. Actual Year-to-Date, 12/31/17
- Income & Expenses Budget, Prior Year Comparison, 12/31/17
- Balance Sheet, 9/30/17
- Income & Expenses Budget vs. Actual Year-to-Date, 9/30/17
- Income & Expenses Budget, Prior Year Comparison, 9/30/17
- Balance Sheet, 6/30/17
- Income & Expenses Budget vs. Actual Year-to-Date, 6/30/17
- Income & Expenses Budget, Prior Year Comparison, 6/30/17
- Balance, 5/31/17
- Income & Expenses Budget vs. Actual Year-to-Date, 5/31/17
- Income & Expenses Budget, Prior Year Comparison, 5/31/17
- Balance, 4/30/17
- Budget Worksheet 2017-2018
- Balance, 3/31/17
- Income & Expenses Budget vs. Actual Year-to-Date, 3/31/17
- Income & Expenses Budget, Prior Year Comparison, 3/31/17
- Charitable Contributions Committee: "For next year we have several concerns. With the recent changes in national policies, we are deeply concerned about the need to take care of our most vulnerable citizens."
- Common Room Committee: "Finally, the committee requests that, its work completed, this committee be "laid down" as of the end of the year, with recognition that a few items may not be completed until the new year."
- Communications: "We monitor all meeting telephone and e-mail messages; provide meeting announcements and newsletter and maintain our website."
- First Day School: "Attendance was small this year with an average of 3-5 kids but often had visiting children or family relations attending. The largest attendance was the holidays of Christmas and Easter."
- Hospitality: "All members and attenders are encouraged to assist with weekly Hospitality by coming early to make coffee and set out food, to provide food, and stay after the Rise of Meeting to greet newcomers as well as help clean up."
- Outreach: "It is the belief of our committee that by being a Friendly presence we are our own best advertisement, and we encourage all of our Meeting to embrace their Quaker leadings and to shine their light brightly and joyfully as a welcome example of what we desire to see more of in this world."
- Pastoral Care/Overseers: "The primary focus of monthly committee meetings was the sharing of concerns for individual members and discussion regarding how Overseers might reach out to offer support and expressions of care."
- Property & Grounds: "Our activities during the past twelve months, as they have for past years, fallen into two main categories; the general monthly tasks associated with maintaining a 300+ year old facility, and the more significant expenses involving structural repairs and major functional alterations as the needs of the Meeting evolve over the years."
- Recorder: "Membership at Third Haven showed a net increase of one member for the year 2017. While we lost three members by death, we gained three members by application and one by transfer."
- Scholarship: "Owing to continued support of the Meeting, the generosity of people who have made contributions, and the growth of the Fund held at Friends Fiduciary Corporation, a decision was made to increase our grants."
- Testimonies & Concerns: "Testimonies and Concerns (T&C) reflects these priorities and encourages members and attenders to respond to the needs of our community and to participate in the various entities that relate to the mission and work of the Quaker community."
- Trustees: "While there is no hard and fast line separating the financial responsibilities of the Meeting and the Trustees, traditionally the Trustees pay or help to pay for capital expenses such as a new roof, a new heating system or the removal of hazardous trees."
- Worship & Ministry: "Third Haven Friends Meeting has a long tradition of Spirit-led practice in its WMC, caring for the meeting for worship and the Spiritual journeys of members and attenders."
- Annual Report: "Third Haven Friends Meeting is an active, lively and engaged Quaker community of seekers blending together, respecting our differences and moving into the future with love for one another and attention to Quaker Faith and Practice."
- Budget & Finance:
- Approved budget for FY16-17
- Balance, 12/31/16
- Income & Expenses Budget vs. Actual Year-to-Date, 12/31/16
- Income & Expenses Budget, Prior Year Comparison, 12/31/16
- Balance, 9/30/16
- Income & Expenses Budget vs. Actual Year-to-Date, 9/30/16
- Income & Expenses Budget, Prior Year Comparison, 9/30/16
- Balance, 6/30/16;
- Income & Expenses Budget vs. Actual Year-to-Date, 6/30/16;
- Income & Expenses Budget, Prior Year Comparison, 6/30/16;
- Balance, 5/31/16;
- Income & Expenses Budget vs. Actual Year-to-Date, 5/31/16;
- Income & Expenses Budget, Prior Year Comparison, 5/31/16;
- Balance, 3/31/16;
- Income & Expenses Budget vs. Actual Year-to-Date, 3/31/16;
- Income & Expenses Budget, Prior Year Comparison, 3/31/16;
- Charitable Contributions: "The committee recommends continued contributions to the same organizations for year 2016 and possibly the following year as well... Going forward we will be looking into organizations that focus on environmental work."
- Common Room Committee: "What we are hearing is that the most important issue is sound control. Other issues noted are electronics (Wi-Fi, ceiling mount for the multimedia projector, speakers, microphone); communications, including literature display, mailboxes and bulletin boards; furniture and storage needs; kitchen and serving areas; and lighting."
- Communications: "We prepare and circulate the meeting announcements and newsletter as well as keeping current the website. We monitor all recorded telephone and e-mail messages."
- First Day School: "Third Haven First Day School completed another year of offering weekly religious education for the Meetings' children and youth visitors."
- Hospitality: "The Hospitality Committee of Third Haven Monthly Meeting coordinates refreshments after the Rise of Meeting each First Day throughout the year."
- Outreach: "In 2016 we focused on increasing our visibility in the online community and offering an informative series of presentations in the form of our George Fox Forum."
- Overseers: "The role of the Overseers Committee is to help maintain a caring community within Third Haven Friends Meeting, with a special emphasis on pastoral care and counseling."
- Property & Grounds: "The Property and Grounds committee has an active membership that has by and large performed its expected duty over the past year. With the assistance of other members of the Meeting who are not members of Property and Grounds Committee and with good fortune, we can say that the property and grounds have remained in good order over the past year."
- Recorder: "Third Haven experienced a slight decrease in membership during 2016. While we gained one new member by application, we lost two by death and one by resignation."
- Scholarship: "Because of the generosity of the Meeting and of those who have donated individually to the Scholarship funds, this Committee intends to continue our policy of offering $1000 to our members who attend Friends' schools or colleges and $500. to those at non-Friends colleges."
- Testimonies & Concerns: "This year we had two unrelenting issues on our agenda, month after month. One was the horrendous plight of refugees fleeing Syria... The other continuing concern is the grim obstinacy of racial injustice in our country."
- Trustees: "Traditionally, the Trustees pay for major capital expenses such as a new roof, a new heating system or the removal of hazardous trees. The Meeting covers operational expenses."
- Worship & Ministry: "Third Haven Friends Meeting has a long tradition of Spirit-led practice in its WMC, caring for the meeting for worship and the Spiritual journeys of members and attenders."
- Budget & Finance:
- Approved Budget FY 2015-2016;
- Balance, 12/31/15;
- Income & Expenses Budget vs. Actual Year-to-Date, 12/31/15;
- Income & Expenses Budget, Prior Year Comparison, 12/31/15;
- Balance, 9/30/15;
- Income & Expenses Budget vs. Actual Year-to-Date, 9/30/15;
- Income & Expenses Budget, Prior Year Comparison, 9/30/15;
- Balance, 6/30/15;
- Income & Expenses Budget vs. Actual Year-to-Date, 6/30/15;
- Income & Expenses Budget, Prior Year Comparison, 6/30/15;
- Balance, 6/13/15;
- Income & Expenses Budget vs. Actual Year-to-Date, 6/13/15;
- Income & Expenses Budget, Prior Year Comparison, 6/13/15;
- Balance, end of March, 2015;
- Income & Expenses Budget vs. Actual Year-to-Date, end of March, 2015;
- Income & Expenses Budget, Prior Year Comparison, end of March, 2015;
- Approved Budget FY 2014-15
- Charitable Contributions Committee: Outline for Giving in 2015
- Clerk's Annual Report: "Third Haven Friends is a vital and growing Friends community, nurturing and supporting young and old members and attenders, nourishing the corporate and individual Quaker Spiritual journey in the Meeting community."
- Communications: "Functions of our committee continue to encompass the meeting newsletter and Internet website with periodic announcements by e-mail.
Monitoring of the recorded messages received on the meeting's telephone."
- Facilities Use: "THFM continues to provide a quiet, reflective space for the Meeting’s activities, Members' activities as well as the meetings of non-members."
- First Day School: "Although we may not have the numbers of children we had 10 years ago, we do currently have a handful of committed families. Lessons were taught by the FDS committee members as well as parents and special help this year from members of Testimonies and Concerns committee."
- Hospitality: "We welcome plans under way to streamline and upgrade the kitchen and serving areas. We have been able to stay within our budget, and ended up with a small surplus. There is always an opportunity to enjoy one another by participating in Hospitality and all are welcome.
- Philadelphia Yearly Meeting,
- Southern Quarterly Meeting:
- Overseers: "The role of the Overseers Committee is to help maintain a caring community within Third Haven Friends Meeting, with a special emphasis on pastoral care and counseling."
- Property & Grounds: "Going into the next year we will continue to advance the handicap access issues and we will continue to work with the Meeting and the ad hoc committee on Common Room renovations to figure out what the next step is, there."
- Recorder: "In 2015 Third Haven experienced greater than average activity in membership. Our current membership stands at 169 Friends, a pleasant place to be."
- Scholarship: "Our children are greatest assets—the future of the Society of Friends. For our young people, the value of knowing that they are each supported and cared for by Third Haven is greater than the actual dollars we are able to invest in their futures. As outreach, it is priceless."
- Testimonies & Concerns: "The purpose of Third Haven Friends' Testimonies & Concerns committee is to help members and attendees of our Meeting intentionally enact the major testimony of Friends' practice of "letting one's life speak" one's spiritual belief. The Committee's work, therefore, relates to Friends' testimonies of simplicity, peace, integrity, community and equality, especially as they pertain to social justice concerns in today's world. Quaker values sit at the heart of what we try to accomplish in T&C."
- Trustees: "In 2014 the Trustees covered the cost of a new gas burner for the Brick Meetinghouse, half the cost of resurfacing the driveway and parking areas, Brick work on the Brick Meetinghouse, new heating and air-conditioning units for the Common Room, a handrail for the stairs in the Caretaker's Cottage, and a final contribution to the Scholarship fund. The total was $29,799.94."
- Worship & Ministry: "Third Haven Friends Meeting has a long tradition of Spirit-led practice in its WMC, caring for the meeting for worship and the Spiritual journeys of members and attenders. The WMC encourages all members and attenders to come to meeting for worship as often as possible, with heart and mind prepared, at the appointed hour of worship."
- Budget & Finance:
- Balance, end of December 2014;
- Income & Expenses Budget vs. Actual Year-to-Date, end of December, 2014;
- Income & Expenses Budget, Prior Year Comparison, end of December 2014;
- Balance, end of September 2014;
- Income & Expenses Budget vs. Actual Year-to-Date, end of September, 2014;
- Income & Expenses Budget, Prior Year Comparison, end of September 2014;
- Balance, end of Fiscal Year 2013-14;
- Income & Expenses Budget vs. Actual Year-to-Date, end of Fiscal Year 2013-14;
- Income & Expenses Budget, Prior Year Comparison, end of Fiscal Year 2013-14;
- 2014-2015 Budget Worksheet
- Balance, as of 5/31/14;
- Income & Expenses Budget vs. Actual Year-to-Date, through 5/31/14;
- Income & Expenses Budget, Prior Year Comparison, through 5/31/14;
- Balance Sheet, as of 3/31/14;
- Income & Expenses Budget vs. Actual Year-to-Date, through 3/31/14;
- Income & Expenses Budget, Prior Year Comparison, through 3/31/14;
- Clerk's Annual Report: "Third Haven Friends Meeting is an active community of 153 members, including 22 under age twenty-two and a fluctuating number of attenders at varied levels of activity. Attenders are encouraged to consider applying for membership as they are moved to do so. The range of attendance at Meeting for Worship is 65-75. This is an active and engaged community."
- Communications: "Our goals remain to keep members and attenders of the meeting in contact with one another, informed of future events, provide vital meeting information, and to record the current history of Third Haven."
- Facilities Use: "All organizations and individuals have universally expressed appreciation and gratitude for being allowed to hold events at Third Haven. We look foremost upon this as an outreach activity for the Meeting."
- First Day School: "Third Haven First Day School counts 17 families comprised of 25 children under the age of 17 who have attended this past year... Having the Meeting members come forward in sharing their talents and gifts with the children has made a big difference. There is excellent material about teaching Quakerism in our upstairs library which we use and is available to anyone. However, the personal connection that the kids make when a member shares their special gifts with them makes FDS magical."
- Hospitality: "Our committee has lost some of its members because of other commitments, and are actively seeking new members... Our sign-up sheets on the refrigerator have been broken down into 3 parts, to make helping out easier. One can sign up for setting up before meeting for worship, or cleaning up after hospitality, or bring some refreshments, or all three. Any help is welcome."
- Outreach: "We recognize we need to continue a focus upon the guests and visitors who might be called seekers... The challenges before us in the year ahead include: A broader and full engagement of the meeting in our efforts to appropriately greet and connect with new attenders."
- Overseers: "All of us have a role in making this a caring community, but Overseers have a special responsibility to nurture and counsel others within Third Haven Friends Meeting. We welcome the chance to be of service."
- Philadelphia Yearly Meeting,
- Interim Meeting:
- Southern Quarterly Meeting:
- Properties & Grounds: "Interested parties willing to help care for Third Haven by planning, competitive bidding projects, or hands on contributions to grounds and building are solicited to join Property and Grounds. Many hands make light work... and keep Third Haven beautiful."
- Recorder Annual Report: "The year began with 153 members: 131 over the age of 21 and 22 children. Sadly, on January 1, 2014 we lost our member Lila Line after many years of illness. As there have bee no new members either by application or transfer, the total at year's end is 152."
- Scholarship: "Third Haven's Scholarship Fund began seven years ago with the intention of encouraging our young members to attend Friends schools. We also offer some financial support to college students, so that the Meeting continues to demonstrate its care for them during these important years."
- Testimonies & Concerns: "During the year the committee has continued to pursue the strains of actions that were illuminated with details in last year's report, namely: Marilla's lunches and Thanksgiving dinners, Housing the overnight homeless shelter for two weeks in February, Operating the lending library at the detention center, Supporting P.E.A.C.E. at demonstrations, Taking part in the Multicultural Festival, A visit with supplies and clothes to nearby migrant worker camps, Three members serving on the board of Midshore Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP)... We continued with oversight of the Shoffner International Education Fund... A new project was study and discussion, open to the community, of Michelle Alexander's book The New Jim Crow."
- Trustees: "The financial relationship between the Meeting and the Trustees has been as follows: the Trustees expect to pay for major capital expenses, for example a new roof, a new heating system, removal of hazardous trees. The Meeting covers operational expenses such as heating bills and salaries."
- Worship & Ministry: "Third Haven is blessed with a deep, rich and nurturing meeting for worship, and a vital and growing Meeting community. The WMC is grateful for the opportunity to help nurture and support the meeting for worship and the Spiritual life of the Third Haven Friends Meeting."
- Minutes for 6th Month Business Meeting
- Budget & Finance:
- Balance Sheet, as of 12/31/13;
- Income & Expenses Budget vs. Actual Year-to-Date, through 12/31/13;
- Income & Expenses Budget, Prior Year Comparison, through 12/31/13;
- Balance Sheet, as of 9/30/13;
- Income & Expenses Budget vs. Actual Year-to-Date, through 9/30/13;
- Income & Expenses Budget, Prior Year Comparison, through 9/30/13;
- Approved Budget 2013-2014;
- Balance Sheet, as of 6/30/13;
- Income & Expenses Budget vs. Actual Year-to-Date, through 6/30/13;
- Income & Expenses Budget, Prior Year Comparison, through 6/30/13
- Clerk's Annual Report: "Third Haven Friends is a vital and growing Friends community, nurturing and supporting young and old members and attenders, nourishing the corporate and individual Quaker Spiritual journey in the Meeting community."
- Communications: "Our goals remain to keep members and attenders of the meeting in contact with one another, informed of future events, provide vital meeting information, and to record the current history of Third Haven."
- First Day School: "This year we focused on teaching about Quakerism including lessons on the Queries, important historical figures, and evolution/ divisions within the faith."
- Friends Committee on National Legislation: "The Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) is a nonpartisan Quaker lobby in the public interest founded in 1943 by members of the Religious Society of Friends."
- Hospitality: "Many thanks go out to everyone who so enthusiastically support the hospitality of Third Haven Meeting."
- Outreach: "The mission of Third Haven Friends' Outreach Committee is: to support those activities which make the nearby general public more knowledgeable of our beliefs and more welcome at our meetings. Our goal is neither conversion to our beliefs nor is it proselytizing. Outreach is simply sharing, in an open way, information about our activities and our religious experience outside the circle of Quakerism."
- Overseers: "Throughout 2013, individual Overseers visited and called to support various members who were facing challenges. This outreach to our own is both a responsibility and a privilege which Overseers embrace. Members and attenders are encouraged to allow Overseers to be of service in times of need."
- Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (PYM):
Interim Meeting:
"Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (PYM) Interim Meeting (IM) now meets 5 times a year and performs the governance functions of PYM between the PYM annual sessions. The Third Haven IM representatives will make an oral report to the Third Haven meeting for business and prepare a brief written report for the minutes following each IM." - Property & Grounds: "Property and Grounds Committee actively continues to meet its goal of maintaining Third Haven property while respecting and protecting its rich history."
- Recorder's Annual Report: "At the start of 2012 we had a total of 145 members*, including 16 children (under 21). During the year we gained 8 new members including 2 adults and 6 children. Sadly, we lost 2 members by death. This brings the year end number to 151 members of Third Haven Friends Meeting."
- Scholarship: "Third Haven's Scholarship Fund began six years ago with the intent of encouraging our young members to attend Friends schools. We likewise offer them financial support in college, so that the Meeting continues to nurture them during these important years."
- Southern Quarter Report, January: "The Meeting opened with silent worship. In worship, there were several offerings about Quaker organizations and the importance of the participation of young Friends in the process."
- Testimonies & Concerns: "This committee takes concern for the witness our meeting makes in the world. Again in this year, many activities have been interfaith in origin and expression."
- Trustees: "The financial relationship between the Meeting and the Trustees has been as follows: the Trustees expect to pay for major capital expenses, for example a new roof, a new heating system or removal of hazardous trees. Operational expenses such as salaries and heating bills are paid from the Meeting's annual budget."
- Worship & Ministry: "Third Haven Friends Meeting has a long tradition of Spirit-led practice in its Worship and Ministry Committee, caring for the meeting for worship and the Spiritual journeys of members and attenders."
- Budget & Finance:
- Approved budget 2012-2013
- Proposed budget 2012-2013
- Balance Sheet, as of 6/30/12
- Balance Sheet, as of 9/30/12
- Income & Expenses Budget vs. Actual Year-to-Date, July 2012 through September 2012
- Income & Expenses Budget vs. Actual Year-to-Date, July 2011 through June 2012
- Income & Expenses—Prior Year Comparison, July 2011 through May 2012
- Clerk's Annual Report: "This year was an active and healthy period in the life of the Meeting. Membership held even at 149 as we mourned the deaths of two members and welcomed two new members. Meeting for Worship was well attended, with an average of 75-85 on most First Days, dropping to closer to 50 in the summer."
- Ad hoc Common Room: "The common room has not had significant improvements for many years. The current conditions are disorganized, cluttered, shabby and unattractive... The committee conducted a thorough and detailed assessment of uses, furnishings, contents, arrangements and conditions of the common room. The committee consulted with and invited the clerks of other committees to review this report and these recommendations."
- Communications: "We do the following: Newsletter... Website... Weekly Announcements... Our goals remain to keep members and attenders of the meeting in contact with one another and informed of future events, provide vital meeting information, and to record the current history of Third Haven."
- First Day School Annual Report: "There were 45 children & youth on the rolls for FDS this past year."
- Hospitality: "There is always an opportunity to enjoy one another by participating in Hospitality and all are welcome."
- Nominating: "The Nominating Committee, composed of Dee Rein as clerk, Susan Claggett, Norval Thompson and Michael Pullen, is tasked with facilitating the formation of committees and fulfillment of positions necessary for the functioning of Third Haven Friends Meeting."
- Overseers: "Overseers goals include providing oversight to the ministry of the life of the meeting and acting as a conduit for clearness, especially in cases of membership, unions (marriage/commitment) or personal discernment. All members and attenders are encouraged to allow Overseers to be of service in times of need."
- PYM Interim Meeting Report: "Most of the IM was devoted to the proposed PYM 2013 budget, for 7.1.13-6.30.13, and its consequences... It is very important to understand that these staff reductions to not define what PYM will do, but rather what PYM will pay staff to support. PYM like Third Haven depends mostly on the voluntary, unpaid work of an enormous number of very talented and generous Friends."
- Property & Grounds: "This was the first full year under our new caretaker, Clay Owens... Feedback on the interior environment of the brick meetinghouse would be appreciated. The committee has begun planning work on a truly handicapped accessible entry into the old meetinghouse."
- Scholarship: "We continue to grow relative to supporting eligible youth. The broad support of the Meeting for our youth and young adults has helped strengthen and integrate the Third Haven Meeting."
- Testimonies & Concerns: "Quaker concerns are deeply rooted, inherited truths of past generations. Testimonies are our witness to these truths as we, in community, perceive them to be in this present time. With the measure of the Light that is granted us, your committee has undertaken work in some, certainly not all that we would wish, witness to the needs in the world."
- Trustees' Report: "In fiscal year of 2011-2012 our expenses came to $41,000. This included funding structural repair in the Brick Meetinghouse, the refinishing of the floor, a dehumidifier, and half the cost of the new cushions."
- Worship & Ministry: "Third Haven is blessed with a deep, rich and nurturing meeting for worship, and a vital and growing Meeting community. The Worship and Ministry Committee is grateful for the opportunity to nurture and support the meeting for worship and the Spiritual life of the Third Haven Friends Meeting."
- Clerk's Report: "In summary, the year 2011 offered some challenges, but mainly opportunities for us to enrich their spiritual lives and become a more connected part of our religious community."
- American Friends Service Committee: "The world is evolving: non-violent protests have swept the entire world throughout the past year. AFSC is uniquely qualified to support those who are struggling to bring peace, integrity, and equality to their communities."
- Budget and Finance:
- Income & Expenses—Budget vs. Actual-YTD, July through December 2011
- Balance Sheet through December 2011
- Budget, Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 2012 & 2011
- Balance Sheet through September 2011
- Balance Sheet through June 2011
- Income & Expenses—Budget vs. Actual-YTD, July through June 2011
- Communications: "Our goals are to keep the meeting informed of future events, to provide a place for vital meeting information, and to record the current history of Third Haven."
- Membership Recorder: "We began 2011 with 149 members, including 16 minors. During the year we added two new members (one by application and one by transfer) and sadly lost five (three by death, one by transfer, and one by resignation). The end of year total is 146."
- Nominating: "We have ultimately trusted the process of discernment and feel that all who have chosen tasks to do will serve faithfully and well."
- Overseers: "Overseers goals include providing oversight to the ministry of the life of the meeting and acting as a conduit for clearness, especially in cases of membership, unions (marriage/commitment) or personal discernment. All members and attenders are encouraged to allow Overseers to be of service in times of need."
- Scholarship: "Third Haven has a distinguished past on which we can all look back with pride. Our scholarship recipients have more than justified our faith in them. By helping them reach their dreams, we help to ensure that our future is just as bright."
- Testimonies & Concerns: "This year we were charged with facilitating the Meeting's designation of the John Shoffner bequest. Of the bequest, $11,772.00 went toward the creation of the Shoffner International Education Fund, invested in Friends Fiduciary, with 5% of the fund to be used on cooperative T&C-First Day School projects."
- Worship & Ministry: "Third Haven is blessed with a rich and nurturing meeting for worship, and a vital and growing Meeting community. The Worship and Ministry Committee is grateful for the opportunity to nurture and support the meeting for worship and the Spiritual life of the Third Haven Friends Meeting community."
- Recorder's Report: "+7 Net Change in number of members"
- PYM Interim Meeting Report: "Friends gathered at 9:30 am for opening worship and welcome."
- American Friends Service Committee: "In a time of financial uncertainty, AFSC relies more than ever on reliable support from Quakers. While all of us have an individual responsibility to work in support of the Testimonies within our own lives, supporting AFSC offers us an opportunity to foster peace all around the world."
- Friends Committee on National Legislation: "More clearly than ever before, Friends recognize that the critical and interconnected issues of energy and environment relate not only to climate change, but also to war, military spending, the nation's budget, and the capacity of the United States to meet domestic human needs and invest in the well-being of vulnerable populations abroad."
- Budget and Finance:
- 2011 Budget
- Balance Sheet through December 2010
- Income & Expenses—Prior Year Comparison, July through December 2010
- Income & Expenses—Budget vs. Actual-YTD, July through December 2010
- Balance Sheet end of Fiscal Year 2010
- Income & Expenses: Budget vs. Actual Fiscal Year 2010
- Income & Expenses: Budget vs. Actual First Quarter Fiscal Year 2011
- Communications: "During the past year our group has provided a new paper directory, weekly e-mail announcements, monthly newsletters, but most importantly revitalized the Third Haven Website This was accomplished by our newest member, Tatiana H. Harrison."
- First Day School: "Theme for year was 'Building Bridges to others'".
- Hospitality: "Hospitality Committee sincerely thanks all friends who have provided both food and generous effort on First Days and for special occasions."
- Overseers: "During the year 2010 the Overseers Committee, attended to pastoral care, keeping in touch with members via a calling tree by dividing the membership directory alphabetically, publishing that in the directory and online, and also responding to answering machine and website messages."
- Property and Grounds
- Scholarship: "Third Haven has a distinguished past on which we can all look back with pride. By helping our young people reach their dreams, you help to ensure that our future is just as bright."
- Testimonies & Concerns: "The Purpose of the T&C committee is to help its members and the members and attendees of the Meeting to intentionally enact the major testimony of Friends' practice of 'letting one's life speak' one's spiritual belief."
- Worship & Ministry: "THFM Worship and Ministry Committee supports the spiritual enrichment of the Meeting community. The Committee strives to deepen and strengthen meeting for worship."
- Membership Recorder: "We began 2009 with 140 members, including sixteen minors. Over the course of the year, we added six new members (including one by transfer) and lost four through death, for a net gain of two members. Total at year end: 142 members."
- Overseers: "During the year 2009 the Overseers Committee, attended to pastoral care, keeping in touch with members via a calling tree by dividing the membership directory alphabetically, publishing that in the directory and online, and also responding to answering machine and website messages."
- Worship & Ministry: "Worship and Ministry Committee meets to support the spiritual enrichment of the Meeting community and with caring guidance it strives to deepen and strengthen meeting for worship."
- Testimonies & Concerns:
- First Day School: "Attendance averaged 13 children, with over 30 visitors, in First Day School this year."
- Library & Outreach: "The Library and Outreach Committee had an active year supporting the activities and needs of the Third Haven community."
- Hospitality: "We have been blessed with many hospitality offerings throughout the year."
- Property & Grounds: "This year has been focused on maintenance our property and grounds and improvements in specific areas."
- Nominating: "Our Meeting is enriched when all members and regular attenders actively participate in the business life of the meeting."
- Communications: "Our goals are to keep the meeting informed of future events, to provide a place for vital meeting information, and to record the current history of Third Haven."
- Scholarship: "The Scholarship Committee has been busy this svmmer, and five $500 scholarships have been awarded to Third Haven members and their families."
- Committee of Clerks
- Trustees
- Talbot Association of Clergy and Laity (TACL)
- Membership Recorder: "The function of the Membership Recorder is to record membership information for the Monthly Meeting and to serve as a conduit for that information to the Yearly Meeting."