2013 Property & Grounds Annual Report:

Presented October 13, 2013 Third Haven Monthly Business Meeting

Committee Members: Meredith Watters, Clerk, Posey Boicourt, Assist. Clerk, Larny Claggett, Mary Cotton, Lorraine T. Claggett, Ed Danser, Priscilla Morris, Anna Ossler, Clay Owens, Nancy Robbins, Sally Vermilye, Joyce Ziegler

I. Budget - We were under by $1,500.00 for the fiscal year.

II. Buildings

A. Common Room:

We implemented a number of recommendations provided by the Common Room Ad-Hoc Committee. We cleared out and organized the attic, 2 closets, kitchen cabinets (thanks to Hospitality Committee), and the main common room. The carpet got cleaned in the early spring, the building's thermostat got repaired and the air conditioner air handler tuned up.

B. Annie's Cottage has a new workbench and shelves (thanks to Ed Danser)

C. The shed has been purged of unused items and better organized. The felled pine tree planks are still drying, but could be maybe available for use next year.

D. The Brick Meeting House has had the following repairs: one light sconce, one venetian blind, 2 upstairs cracked window panes, and an electric connection to the Common Room building.

E. Other - We have a new/used Electrolux vacuum cleaner (donated), the bi-yearly termite inspection indicates no need to treat any buildings, and all (seven) fire extinguishers for our buildings were either replaced or upgraded.

III. Grounds

A. The very old, large, and very diseased maple outside the Common Room back door was taken down. A high stump was left for the kids to climb and some choice pieces of the trunk and limbs were taken by 2 local wood craftsmen. A smaller maple was also removed behind the Old Meeting House. The THFM Trustees paid for the tree removal work.

B. We had a Spring Clean Up on April 13 and about 22 Third Haven members participated.

C. After research done by a P & G member, the best riding mower to replace the old Steiner was selected. The Third Haven Trustees paid for this.

IV. Caretaker

A. The existing description for the various areas of caretaking and the employment description was quite vaguely written. It is being rewritten with more clear parameters. This work is in progress and will ultimately serve Third Haven for many years to come.

B. The Committee has prepared an extensive check list of house and grounds keeping responsibilities and items as a reference for the Caretaker.

C. Clay Owens, Caretaker found less expensive health insurance as of July 1, 2013 and will therefore be under the budgeted amount of $4,800.00 for 2013-14 fiscal year.

V. Access Into the Old Meeting House

A. The Monthly Meeting approved the concept of providing better access for all levels of mobility into the building while respecting the building's historic nature.

B. An application to Maryland Historic Trust for options to improve access was turned down. This, however, provided the ability to have a dialog with them. Their visit to Third Haven in June indicated their strong support "in concept" of accessibility improvements made to the building. Design solution options are being explored by a P & G subcommittee. Eventually these options will be presented to TH Monthly Meeting and Third Haven Trustees and then, finally to Maryland Historic Trust.

VI. Other

A. A Third Haven plate was presented to the Webster for their 25 years of service.

B. Oil to gas conversion for the Brick Meeting House heating system will be completed this Fall.

Property and Grounds Committee actively continues to meet its goal of maintaining Third Haven property while respecting and protecting its rich history.

Third Haven Friends Monthly Meeting is a member of Southern Quarterly Meeting of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends General Conference of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers).

Meetings for Worship: Sundays 10:00AM, Wednesdays 5:30PM

Childrens' program: Sundays 10:00AM

Meetings for Worship with Attention to Business: 2nd Sunday of the Month following Meeting for Worship (except for the months of July and August)

Contact: 405 S. Washington St., Easton, MD 21601; (410) 822-0293; 3rdhaven@gmail.com; Find Us on Facebook


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