Clerk's Annual Report for 2014:

Third Haven Friends Meeting is an active community of 153 members, including 22 under age twenty-two and a fluctuating number of attenders at varied levels of activity. Attenders are encouraged to consider applying for membership as they are moved to do so. The range of attendance at Meeting for Worship is 65-75. This is an active and engaged community.

Representatives attended Southern Quarterly Meeting and Philadelphia Yearly Meeting to keep the Third Haven community informed and represented at these levels of Quaker activity. Members and Attenders also represented Third Haven at a variety of Talbot County organizations, representing our Quaker values in the world.

The Clerk, Assistant Clerk, Recorders and Treasurer facilitated the aims of the meeting. Third Haven committees pursued their responsibilities with commitment and creativity throughout the year, creating a productive community.

Budget and Finance supervised creation, approval and implementation of the budget. The treasurer provided frequent reports and the committee sought to remind members and attenders of the importance of supporting Third Haven. Third Haven's finances are in good order.

Overseers Committee continued pastoral care, helping members and attenders nurture one another. As in past years, committee members kept in touch with the Third Haven Friends through a calling tree. An annual new member and attender recognition luncheon in March and an honoring our elders event were well attended. A continuing focus for the committee was the care of seniors in our community and support of members facing challenges.

Testimonies and Concerns led the meeting's involvement in peace and social justice issues by sponsoring projects including Shoffner Fund disbursement through the First Day School adoption of a Bolivian child and Aquayuda water delivery in Colombia South America, Marilla's lunches, homeless shelter and detention center volunteerism, PEACE demonstrations and discussions, the Multicultural Festival and Christmas children's donations, migrant worker aid, and three members serving on the board of Midshore Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP).

Worship and Ministry supported the spiritual life of the meeting and adult religious education. Greeters from the committee welcomed members attenders and visitors, offering pamphlets and other information. The 12 Queries and 4 Advices were read throughout the year. Quarterly silent retreats and Modules on Quaker faith and practice were also offered. Discussion groups covered a variety of topics including "Essentials of our Faith and Practice", "Higher Consciousness & Spiritual Awakening", and "Christ a Symbol of the Self". Meeting for worship is consistently spiritual and enriching.

First Day School counted 17 families comprised of 25 children under the age of 17 who have attended this past year. The largest attendance fell on the holidays, especially at Christmas and Easter when special programs occur. On a weekly basis, attendance is sparse, with an average of 3-5 attending. Meeting members shared their talents and gifts with the children, which makes a big difference. First Day School grows our meeting in many ways.

Property and Grounds oversaw numerous projects. Clay Owens continues to serve as caretaker, including duties as groundskeeper, housekeeper and friendly presence to visitors. Members and Attenders supported Clean Up days in April and November. An extensive list of projects and the contributors to their success may be found in the November 2014 newsletter.

Scholarship Committee: Third Haven's Scholarship Fund offers some financial support to young people in Friends schools and college students, so that the Meeting continues to demonstrate its care for them during these important years. The fund totals approximately $80,000 managed by Friends Fiduciary. This year's scholarship distribution was $3,250.

Charity donations committee intended to coordinate meeting donations is in formation.

Hospitality Committee has had large groups partaking in coffee and treats after meeting for worship, although attendance slows down over the summer months. Hospitality facilitated numerous events enhancing the life of the meeting.

Communications Committee prepares and posts all text and images on the Third Haven Website, and newsletter, providing vital meeting information and recording current history.

Outreach Committee seeks to make the general public more aware of Friends' existence; more knowledgeable about Friends' beliefs; and more welcome at Friends meetings through personal contact and publications briefly introducing our faith and community and smoothing the pathway to membership for seekers.

Facilities Use handled requests from Friends and community for activities which were congruent with Quaker testimonies.

Nominating Committee carefully considered the gifts of all members and attenders, inviting each person to participate as he or she is moved, making our community strong through the diversity of skills we all bring to Third Haven.

Details are available in annual committee reports published in monthly newsletters.

This is a synopsis of so much that occurs during the year at Third Haven Friends Meeting, an active, thoughtful, spirit led community of the Religious Society of Friends.

Third Haven Friends Monthly Meeting is a member of Southern Quarterly Meeting of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends General Conference of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers).

Meetings for Worship: Sundays 10:00AM, Wednesdays 5:30PM

Childrens' program: Sundays 10:00AM

Meetings for Worship with Attention to Business: 2nd Sunday of the Month following Meeting for Worship (except for the months of July and August)

Contact: 405 S. Washington St., Easton, MD 21601; (410) 822-0293;; Find Us on Facebook


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