First Day School Annual Report 2013:
This year we focused on teaching about Quakerism including lessons on the Queries, important historical figures, and evolution/ divisions within the faith. A number of Godly plays were given, especially to the younger children.
During the past summer there was a series of programs directed at enlarging the understanding of world issues in emerging nations. This was followed up by students helping to decide on how some Shoffner funds would be directed through various non-profit agencies.
Attendance was highly variable ranging from zero to eight on any given Sunday, both for the younger, and for the older children. We do not see this changing. We are thinking about having all children retain a notebook and check-off list for the teaching they have been in attendance for. This may mean some one on one teaching sessions.
- Jointly with Testimonies & Concerns, offered financial support and maintained correspondence with 2 Bolivian students.
- Studied options for allocating Schoffner funds and presented results to the Meeting.
- Maintained Third Haven FDS traditions: carried doves in PEACE sponsored parade, decorated wreaths for TH buildings, presented a short holiday program, colored eggs for Easter egg hunt, and staffed a prayer flag booth at the Multicultural Festival.
We are grateful to all those who helped teach the children this year: Catherine Cripps, Cathy Thompson, Susan Claggett, Sally Claggett, Lorraine Claggett, Larny Claggett, Lisa Johnson, Paige Bethke, Candace Shattuc, Ralph Young, Mark Beck, & Beth Mufson.
We are very sad to see the Barrett family leave since they have been such a big part of the program for the past several years; they assure us that they will continue to visit when they are back in the area.