Worship and Ministry Committee 2009 Annual Report:

Worship and Ministry Committee meets to support the spiritual enrichment of the Meeting community and with caring guidance it strives to deepen and strengthen meeting for worship. W & M chose to respond to this mission by organizing the following adult education activities and events.

Spiritual Journeys—Following a very successful Quakerism 101 series last year, W&M decided to look to our own members and Attenders for examples. Thus, we began a series of presentations to explore the histories of our member's spiritual journey and learn how they came to practice Quakerism. September—Bob Marshall, October—Jim Paul, November—Paige Bethke, January - Ken Carroll, February - Ralph Young, March - Tatiana Harrison, April - Frank Ziegler, May - Rob Weiland. W&M expresses our gratitude for their willingness to open their lives to the Meeting. Brandt Bethke willingly provided child care for the Meeting.

Three summer book discussions with an average of 9 attendees were held in the Common Room. June - Tom Corl "Conversations with God an Uncommon Dialogue", Book 1, July - Jamie Du Hoffman "Hope in the Unseen" by Ron Suskinda, and September - Aiyana Paterson-Zincand "Non- Violence: The History of a Bad Idea" by Mark Kurlansky. W&M critiqued the program and how to improve.

W&M arranged for an adult education program that combined living as a Quaker and raising a family and offered it to Third Haven. W&M hosted a four part series with the support of Testimonies and Concern and FDS titled "Exploring Our Quaker Faith and Family Life" with PYM "Parenting Initiative" Coordinator, Harriett Heath. Four Sessions were offered from Sept 27th through Nov 22nd with an average of 12 attendees. 1st Session considered some basic Quaker beliefs and practiced skills that support our efforts to live by our beliefs. 2nd Session looked at Quaker testimonies and how we use the various testimonies as guides when planning our lives. 3rd Session considered the needs and characteristics of our family members as we strive to live in a Quaker manner. 4th Session looked at how to live with those less supportive and even those who are antagonistic to our beliefs.

Other business: W&M reviewed and discussed the same sex marriage minute as requested by the Clerks Meeting of 29 August 2009. W&M met with Overseers to review the spiritual health of Meeting. W&M continues the practice of reading the Queries and Advises during Meeting for Worship as a reminder of our Faith and Practice. We discussed and approved a group discussion on the topic of suicide which will be offered to the Meeting in January and facilitated by Cindy Browne.

Respectfully submitted, Co-Clerks Meredith Watters and Paige Bethke; Committee Members Tom Corl, Tatiana Harrison, Bob Marshall, Jim Paul, Connie Lewis, Denny Bliss, and John Winterbottom.

Third Haven Friends Monthly Meeting is a member of Southern Quarterly Meeting of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends General Conference of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers).

Meetings for Worship: Sundays 10:00AM, Wednesdays 5:30PM

Childrens' program: 1st and 3rd Sundays 10:00AM

Meetings for Worship with Attention to Business: 2nd Sunday of the Month following Meeting for Worship (except for the months of July and August)

Contact: 405 S. Washington St., Easton, MD 21601; (410) 822-0293; 3rdhaven@gmail.com; Find Us on Facebook


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