First Day School Annual Report 2021/2022:

We welcomed the children back in the Fall 2021 for in person learning holding the children's program every 2 weeks. Teachers for the Fall were Susan Claggett, Cherie Baron and Kristin Hanlon. Much of the learning was done outdoors on the Third Haven grounds. In Oct, FDS held a large family event called "Pumpkin Fun" where all families gathered in the Common Room for fellowship and food and carving/decorating pumpkins. As it began to get dark, the children took a spooky walk through the graveyard. It was a big hit!

In Dec, the FDS worked with the Pastoral Care committee in presenting gifts to our children during the annual holiday program. It was a time of connection and reflection while the young people got to know some of the older adults.

For the New Year, FDS had to resume via zoom. Susan Claggett led the zoom classroom twice per month. Some of the curricula this year were Quaker stories from Faith and Play and 2 books sent to us from PYM entitled "Holy Troublemakers and Unconventional Saints" and "Together" by Mona Damluji. Once warmer weather returned in the Spring, we were able to meet in person again and resume many lessons from our natural world. Miss Cherie and Miss Kristin returned as well and during one particular Spring lesson, the children made beautiful window art from natural objects found on the grounds. These can be seen in the brick Meeting House even now.

Finally, FDS ended in June with our annual celebration called Moving Up Day. We were able to acknowledge 4 young women who sent in remarks about their lives and where they are heading next, which was all read out loud to the Meeting. FDS acknowledges these accomplishments of our young people by presenting them with small gifts including a copy of "Faith and Practice."

Our FDS currently consists of 8 committed families—accounting for 15 children that regularly attend. Ages range from Owen Schaefer and Fio Whalen who are our youngest up into Damien Kesler (6th grade) and Serena Claggett, who just graduated high school. Third Haven had a birth this Spring (Whitley Grey) and another baby due in July (Kulveen Virdee.)

Third Haven FDS will be sponsoring the annual summer mindfulness camp in July held on the Meeting grounds. Registration is currently full. Miss Cherie and Miss Kristin along with Amy Owsley and Jr counselor, Liam Ewing will be overseeing the camp.

Although the FDS committee currently does not hold regular committee meetings, the families have been especially receptive to the weekly e mails sent out by the Clerk and they are always helpful with hospitality when asked.

This Clerk enjoys the warm friendship from all the families and continues to appreciate the Meetings' support.

Respectfully submitted, Susan Claggett FDS Clerk

Third Haven Friends Monthly Meeting is a member of Southern Quarterly Meeting of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends General Conference of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers).

Meetings for Worship: Sundays 10:00AM, Wednesdays 5:30PM

Childrens' program: Sundays 10:00AM

Meetings for Worship with Attention to Business: 2nd Sunday of the Month following Meeting for Worship (except for the months of July and August)

Contact: 405 S. Washington St., Easton, MD 21601; (410) 822-0293;; Find Us on Facebook


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