Third Haven Friends Meeting Trustees
2013 Annual Report

Third Haven Friends Meeting has its roots in the Betty's Cove Meeting of the 1660s. The first meeting was held here in our "old meetinghouse" in 1684. Meeting membership has fluctuated over the years. Seventy years ago was a low point, so low that there was fear that the Meeting might be laid down, at which point ownership of the buildings and property would revert to Philadelphia Yearly Meeting. Members were convinced that it would be better to retain Third Haven in the hands of local Friends whose families had worshipped, been married, and buried here for over 250 years.

In 1948 The Trustees of Third Haven Monthly Meeting of the Society of Friends was incorporated. The Trustees own the property constituting Third Haven. There are seven trustees, all members of Third Haven Friends Meeting. When there is a vacancy, the Meeting's nominating committee is asked to bring forward two or three names. From this list a replacement is chosen. The current Trustees are Kenneth Carroll, Allan Meilke, Diana Rein, Laurence Claggett, Jr., Sumner Parker, Adrienne Rudge, and Marsie Hawkinson.

Over the years people have contributed funds to the Trustees—some of them members of the Meeting, and some members of the community whose interest is in preservation of the historic buildings and grounds, particularly the 1684 building.

The financial relationship between the Meeting and the Trustees has been as follows: the Trustees expect to pay for major capital expenses, for example a new roof, a new heating system or removal of hazardous trees. Operational expenses such as salaries and heating bills are paid from the Meeting's annual budget.

In the calendar year of 2012 the Trustees payments totaled over $40,000., for construction work on the Brick Meetinghouse, siding on the north end of the old building, repairs to the caretaker's cottage, tree work, the insurance on the property, and a contribution to the Scholarship Fund. To date in 2013, $6000. has been paid for tree removal. It may be necessary to fund two additional items this year: conversion of the heating system from oil to gas and purchase of a new mowing machine.

For the last few years, the Trustees have made a contribution to the Meeting's Scholarship Fund, an annual amount of $1500.00. Since scholarship is not part of our mission, we will soon phase out this contribution.

The Trustees approve the concept of handicapped access to the 1684 building. We hope this project will happen soon. It is felt that this should be a Meeting project with members united and actively involved as well as willing to support it financially.

Martha Hawkinson, president; Allan Mielke, Treasurer; Diana Rein, Secretary; Kenneth Carroll; Laurence Claggett, Jr.; Sumner Parker; Adrienne Rudge

Third Haven Friends Monthly Meeting is a member of Southern Quarterly Meeting of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends General Conference of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers).

Meetings for Worship: Sundays 10:00AM, Wednesdays 5:30PM

Childrens' program: Sundays 10:00AM

Meetings for Worship with Attention to Business: 2nd Sunday of the Month following Meeting for Worship (except for the months of July and August)

Contact: 405 S. Washington St., Easton, MD 21601; (410) 822-0293;; Find Us on Facebook


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