Annual Report of Testimonies and Concerns, November, 2011:

How does our meeting work to overcome social, economic, legal and political injustices in the world? How does our meeting work to advance peace, to oppose violence and to support the constructive use of authority in our community, nation and the world?
From Faith and Practice

Allocation of Shoffner bequest work on behalf of the Meeting. Information about the Shoffner bequest is on the Third Haven website.

This year we were charged with facilitating the Meeting's designation of the John Shoffner bequest. Of the bequest, $11,772.00 went toward the creation of the Shoffner International Education Fund, invested in Friends Fiduciary, with 5% of the fund to be used on cooperative T&C-First Day School projects. We have coordinated with the First day School committee and will continue to do so on the future projects.

In addition, after much 'threshing' to donate funds immediately to:

Following these gifts, many members assisted in the Migrant Ministry work in the summer. The funds were used primarily for purchasing work boots and some long pants for work in the fields. Members donated other items, sorted, and delivered these to the migrant labor camps. An announcement to the Meeting was giving following Worship on the results of the work.

Agua Ayuda gave a "Faith in Action" presentation to our meeting that was very well attended. A simple meal was provided and more than $140 was given to the organization at that time. They presented on their work providing sustainable water solutions in Colombia and Costa Rica. They also presented to First Day School.

Mayors for Peace

Two meeting members, a high school student and Harvey Zendt visited Mayor Willey who later signed-on to be a Mayor for Peace. We helped Harvey on Hiroshima Day put up a table with peace information at Thompson Park in Easton that day. Mayors for Peace asks that member organizations hold peace events in honor of that sacrifice year-long.

In cooperation with PEACE, and the Multicultural Festival, we had a information table and decorated a peace tree with peace symbols made by  children passing by.

HIPP Curriculum

When the Board of Education, at the request of parents, increased funding for JROTC at a time other programs were being cut, we made plans to initiate a peace program at the high school for after-school hours. Funding from the carriage shed sale will finance the training for leaders of this program and one of our members with work at the school has done extensive preliminary work talking with faculty and educating the Committee on the way that organizations are established at the school. Carriage shed funds were designated for training of adults and youth to support this program.

The Meeting continues to support the Talbot Interfaith Shelter.

A T&C member was co-clerk and Meeting members organized and staffed the shelter program during the 2 weeks at the Meeting House. At least 5 persons were given shelter through our work.

Local Food Programs

Continued budget and work support Marilla's lunches which feeds shut in persons in the community each week, Thanksgiving dinners organized by a member, and NSC food pantry. Donations are coordinated and delivered through members.

Members continue to work in the Alternatives to Violence Program and the Detention Center Library. Additional volunteers are sought for these valuable programs.

Finally, we are communicating more effectively through the website and newsletter.

Submitted by Gwen Beegle, Co-Clerk, who thanks all the T&C members for their contributions to the report.

Third Haven Friends Monthly Meeting is a member of Southern Quarterly Meeting of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends General Conference of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers).

Meetings for Worship: Sundays 10:00AM, Wednesdays 5:30PM

Childrens' program: Sundays 10:00AM

Meetings for Worship with Attention to Business: 2nd Sunday of the Month following Meeting for Worship (except for the months of July and August)

Contact: 405 S. Washington St., Easton, MD 21601; (410) 822-0293;; Find Us on Facebook


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