Testimonies and Concerns 2024 Annual Report:

Committee: Paige Tilghman (Clerk), Lorraine Claggett, Stephanie French, Beth Mufson, Mary Yancey and Jonathan Williams.

The Committee met monthly on the 1st First Day of the month at 8:30 am in the Common Room.

We began our year with an update to the Charitable Giving Guide and Recommendations for a $3,000 distribution to five local groups at $400 each: (MultiCultural Center, MidShore Council on Family Violence, 4 All Seasons, Life Time Wells and Habitat for Humanity) and the remaining $1,000 to be directed to Palestine Peace Teams and to the Ukraine for aid through the American Friends Service Committee and the Red Cross. Checks were processed and letters with donations were sent. THFM received thank you notes from all the recipients.

We continued our work with the Talbot Interfaith Shelter in 2024, preparing approximately 18 meals for adults and children on the 17th of each month. This year we extended an invitation for members to help us purchase food items and cook the meals together in the Common Room. We had some successful gatherings including the preparation of a Turkey Dinner in November. We realized the commitment and expense was too big and laid down the donation of dinners in 7th month. T&C members, Mary Yancey and Beth Mufson continue volunteer with Sarah Sayre and Kristina Herold at TIS once a month.

We initiated Conversations on the Queries in January, and in honor of Susan Dickerson, who hosted ‘Conversations with Susan’ successfully for many years as a way to initiate conversation on topics of interest. We prepared and served biscuits and jam to those who joined us on the 4th first day and continued the practice for six sessions with some heart felt sharing. By the 6th month the biscuits were much improved.

Testimonies Concerns wrestled with the unrest in the Middle East and in April offered the American Friends Service Committee proposed Minute on the Israel-Gaza war to begin a discussion on the matter. We learned we were not of one accord on the matter and discussed and edited the THFM proposed minute over several Meetings which was finalized at the 6th month Meeting for Business.

Through the efforts of Jonathan Williams, Mary Yancy and Beth Mufson, T&C became active with the Green Hands—a local initiative with Town Parks and the Presbyterian Church to plant summer community gardens and begin a recycling initiative. Meeting members were enthusiastic about organizing recycling efforts in the Common Room kitchen and several members contributed items from their homes. A celebration of the gardens was held in late summer.

On Seventh month, 14, Bill Shreves, President, Bay Hundred Community Volunteers, and several members, visited THFM Common Room at the rise of Meeting to share their mission to help improve the living conditions of residents of Talbot County and to raise awareness for the need for adequate, safe, affordable housing. The nonprofit is in need of volunteers. Beth Mufson attended a preliminary meeting on October 14th and shares interest with anyone interested in volunteering for one day projects to repair homes and install access ramps.

The Bolivia Quaker Education Fund will be the recipient of $1,000 from the Shoffner Fund set aside to fund International Quaker Education.

We enjoy the opportunity to connect members with projects in our community and encourage everyone to consider an area of work where they might donate some time as Friends: Habitat for Humanity; Detention Center Library; Peace Teams; Talbot Interfaith Shelter; Multicultural Center; Quaker Voice of Maryland, Food Link, NAACP of Talbot County and Green Hands.

Third Haven Friends Monthly Meeting is a member of Southern Quarterly Meeting of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends General Conference of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers).

Meetings for Worship: Sundays 10:00AM, Wednesdays 5:30PM

Childrens' program: Sundays 10:00AM

Meetings for Worship with Attention to Business: 2nd Sunday of the Month following Meeting for Worship (except for the months of July and August)

Contact: 405 S. Washington St., Easton, MD 21601; (410) 822-0293; 3rdhaven@gmail.com; Find Us on Facebook


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